Sharee Council is one of the foremost Islamic legal service providers in the UK, established by Shaikh Yakub Qasmi (rahimah-ullah). Our office is on Thornhill Road, Dewsbury and our contact number is 01924 464122. We have received several complaints concerning individuals purporting to be linked to Sharee Council. Please be cautious.



The Sharee Council conducts nikahs at its premises. A nikah certificate is provided to both husband and wife; a certificate is also retained by the Sharee Council for its records.

Booking your nikah is straightforward. Simply complete the form and select a time slot using the link in the acknowledgment e-mail you receive.

Additional Information

Nikah (Islamic marriage) is an important part of a Muslim’s life. Islam does not encourage a life of celibacy. Marriage not only ensures a healthy family structure but preserves goodness in the community. The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said:

“Marriage is part of my sunnah, and whoever does not follow my sunnah has nothing to do with me.” [Ibn Majah]

The Sharee Council conducts nikahs at its premises. A nikah certificate is provided to both husband and wife; a certificate is also retained by the Sharee Council for its records.

In light of Quranic guidance, all important affairs in life should be substantiated in writing. The advantages of retaining an Islamic marriage document are obvious. Often foreign embassies in the UK of Muslim countries also ask for documentation issued by a Sharee Council to substantiate your Islamic affairs, such as Islamic marriage and divorce.

  • The bride and groom should not be in nikah (marriage) to another person or be in iddah (post-divorce waiting period).

  • The bride and groom must be age 18 or over.

  • Witnesses must either be two Muslim males OR one Muslim male and two Muslim females, who must all be age 16 or over.

  • The bride and groom must both be British nationals or have indefinite leave to remain in the UK.

The following is required for the nikah appointment:

  1. Details are required of the bride & groom, witnesses to the nikah, and wali/wakeel (guardian/representative) of the bride.

  2. A copy of ID (passport or driving licence) for each person in point 1 above, which can either be uploaded when booking or be presented at the nikah, is also necessary.

  3. The bride, groom, witnesses and wali (if applicable) are all required to attend the nikah.

  4. A valid Islamic divorce document of a previous divorce must be presented if applicable.

The cost of a nikah is £170.