Sharee Council is one of the foremost Islamic service providers in the UK, established by Shaikh Yakub Qasmi (rahimah-ullah). Our office is on Thornhill Road, Dewsbury and our contact number is 01924 464122. We have received several complaints concerning individuals purporting to be linked to Sharee Council. Please be cautious.
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Yes, a replacement certificate can be requested here (Documentation Request)
The faskh or khula process in most cases takes around four months. The time scale occasionally depends on the nature of the case and the participation of the parties.
In a situation where the nikah (marriage) certificate is not available, submit a short statement, confirming your marriage to your spouse, with a mention of the date and place of marriage. The applicant is required to sign this statement and, if possible, get two people who were present at the nikah (marriage) ceremony to also sign.
Talaq (طلاق) is an Islamic divorce granted by the husband. A maximum of three talaqs can be granted. Talaq can be of various types and each has its respective rulings. If this is a step you intend to pursue, see here for the relevant service (Talaq).
Khul' or Khula (خلع) is generally initiated by the wife, and with the agreement of both parties, it involves the wife offering something of monetary value to the husband, generally the returning of the mahr (dowry). Khula can only ultimately materialise with mutual consent.
Faskh (فسخ) is the dissolution of Islamic marriage by an Islamic authority such as a qadhi or a panel of qualified Islamic personel (Sharee Council). After necessary examination the marriage is dissolved based on certain grounds.
If you intend to pursue any of these services, see here for the relevant service. Alternatively, you may wish to book an appointment with one of our Islamic legal experts to discuss your circumstances and receive the most accurate advice.
After an Islamic divorce, the divorced lady must observe the iddah period regardless of prior separation from the husband. The iddah period starts from the date of Islamic divorce and continues until three full menstrual cycles come to pass.
A legal divorce in the court is also necessary for marriages legally recognised in the UK. It is for you to decide whether you wish to complete the Islamic divorce first or to pursue both divorces at the same time.
This is possible and documents issued by a Sharee Council are often used to substantiate Islamic matters in foreign Muslim-majority countries. Clients are generally required to get the document(s) stamped by the embassy or consulate in the UK of the respective country before travelling.
Donations may be made directly by bank transfer.
Lloyds Bank
Account Name: Islamic Research Institute of Britain
Account No: 00497642
Sort Code: 30-90-57
The Sharee Council offers dispute resolution services for a range of issues, including financial disputes. We suggest mediation for a more amicable endeavour to reach an acceptable resolution. Our qualified mediators are on hand to arrange and conduct mediation sessions. Click here for more information. You may wish to arrange an appointment for advice; click here for more information.